22. Feb


Now comes something for techno lovers: Burak Özdemir is a composer, bassoonist and director. He studied historical performance at the renowned Juillard School in New York, the Berlin University of the Arts and the Istanbul Conservatory and has already performed in clubs such as Berghain. Through an improvisational dialogue between melodic techno, electronica and old instruments, he creates new, interesting and lively sound sculptures.

In "HERMES", Burak has created a specific sonic architecture, in which he choreographed sound, using micro tonality and ancient Greek modalities as the foundation for this work. The nucleus of Burak’s exhibition-like art-piece is supported by the Baroque ensemble "Musica Sequenza", performing structured impro-visations on historical instruments. "HERMES" is orchestrated by voice, baroque bassoon, glass flute, gut strings, violon, theorbo, lyre, and Persian percussions as well as field recordings and 3D sound design: these all merged into one in this sensuous and disquieting masterpiece.

"HERMES" will be released on 12.04. by Neue Meister - but first there is the first foretaste: "Aesop" can be heard on all current platforms and is available for download.




Neue Meister
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