24. May

In the beginning there was silence

That silence can be the greatest source of inspiration for an album is unusual. For Henning Fuchs and his debut "A New Beginning", however, silence is a constant that is both a way out of hardship and a creative impulse.

"I sought the solitude and silence of nature to prepare for a new beginning." - Henning Fuchs.

His continuous work on his solo album became a work full of intensely tangible fragility and a pronounced tendency to wafer-thin melodies. It builds bridges between the centuries: It combines a classical arrangement of piano, harp and strings with progressive individual sound design and samples of urban and natural sounds. Numerous influences from film composition, modern classic and electronics blend into a timeless total work of art by an exceptional talent in love with detail.

"I wanted to create a world in which you could immerse yourself and let your feelings and fantasy run free."

Silence was the beginning, now "A New Beginning" is in the world and breaks the silence that started it all. The album will be released on June 28th with Neue Meister. As of today there is the first foretaste of the upcoming album: "Yours" - to be heard from today on all common platforms.

Neue Meister
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